Tysk Club champion Price-spot’s Nordic Love Potion. Eier: Sabrina Martens, GermanyN UCH NV-22 Price-spot’s National Treasure. Eier: Maya MikkelsenC.I.B* N SE EST LT UCH Price-spot’s Limited Edition. Eier: Silje PaulsenN UCH Price-spot’s Matrix. Eier: Jeanette Stenberg HansenN UCH Price-spot’s Million Dollar Baby. Eier: Heidi PriceN UCH NJV-21 Price-spot’s Move Heaven And Earth. Eier: Heidi PriceN UCH Price-spot’s Magnolia Eier: Karoline Marie JohnsrudN UCH Price-spot’s Kal El. Eier: Nina Hedvig EriksenN SE UCH Price-spot’s Kingdom Hearts. Eier: Martine GuttormsenN UCH Price-spot’s Keep Cool. Eier: Johnny Moldestad
C.I.B NORD UCH NV-21 Price-spot’s Instant Karma. Eier: Heidi Price/Silje Paulsen
C.I.B NORD UCH NVJ-17 NV-19 N BS CH Price-spot’s Icebreaker. Eier: Heidi Price. ører championat blodspor: Silje StolpestadN SE UCH Price-spot’s IceprincessEier: Jorun og Roy FagerliN UCH Price-spot’s Inside Man Eier: Johnny MoldestadN FI UCH Price-Spot’s Hand In HandEier: Heidi Price og Gina SlåttsveenN UCH Price-spot’s Hamlet. Eier: Vigdis Kverne MartinsenN UCH Price-spot’s Happy Feet Eier: Maya S. Mikkelsen/John Magne ØyulvstadNORD LT EE UCH Price-spot’s Hope and Glory Eier: Martine GuttormsenN UCH NJV-15 Price-spot’s Golden Compass Eier: Silje Paulsen, senere Bente A. BjørkedalC.I.B NORD LT DK UCH Price-spot’s Good Deeds. Eier: Silje Paulsen/Heidi PriceN DK UCH Price-spot’s Flawless. Eier: Lisbeth IversenN SE UCH Price-spot’s Fortune Cookie. Eier: Silje Paulsen/Heidi PriceN UCH Price-spot’s Fame and Fortune. Eier: Inger Tveter og Haakon AmundsenS DK UCH Price-spot’s Early BirdEier: Carolina CarlevadC.I.B NORD LT UCH NV-22 NVV-22 Price-spot’s East West Eier: Silje Paulsen/Heidi PriceN UCH Price-spot’s Deep Impact of SpotnikN UCH Price-Spot’s Dragonfly. Eier: Heidi PriceNORD UCH NVV-21 Price-spot’s Dreamcatcher. Eier: Heidi PriceN UCH Price-spot’s Cool Runnings. Eier: Heidi PriceN UCH Price-Spot’s Black Pearl. Eier: Linn Jeanette LianN UCH Price-spot’s Bag of Tricks. Eier: Silje Regine EdmanNORD UCH Price-spot’s Blessing In Disguise Eier: Grete AkselbergINT NORD UCH NVV-14-15 EUVW-15 Price-Spot’s Are You Ready. Eier: Heidi Price