Wonderful day at Norwegian dalmatian club, Show 101. 2019 judge Jan Roger Sauge
BOB Nord ch NJV-17 Price-Spot’s Icebreaker
BOB junior Price-Spot’s Just Imagine
Best Breeders group Dreamcather, Instant Karma, Icebreaker and iceprincess
Best Progeny group Dreamcather
Just Imagine, Instant Karma, Icebreaker, Hand in Hand
Price-Spot’s Just Imagine 4 beste Male res cac
Price-Spot’s Inside Man nr 4 ch cc
Price-Spot’s Dreamcather nr 2 ch cc
Price-Spot’s Iceprincess 3 Best bitch
Price-Spot’s Instant Karma nr 4 ch cc
Price-Spot’s Hand in Hand excellent cc
Thank you Nina Hedvig for pictures
Thank you Trine Senderud Stine Nordseth Jacobsenand Tove Larsen for handling help. 💕
BOB and BOS Ch P. Dreamcatcher Ch P. Dreamcatcher P. Just Imagine Ch P. Instant Karma Bob and Bos junior Ch P. Icebreaker Ch P. Inside Man Ch Price-spot’s Iceprincess