Show 101

Norsk Dalmatinerklubb hadde sin årlige spesialutstilling over to dager i helgen. Lørdagens dommer var Laura Ripatti fra Finland (Kennel Holmakarin) med 51 dalmatinere påmeldt. Søndag var dommer Anne Buvik. Det var både unge og eldre hunder fra Price-spot påmeldt som hanket inn premier:-) Gratulerer til alle plasserte!

Norsk Dalmatiner klubb,Show 101, Vestby, 14.09.24 Dommer: Laura Ripatti

BIS, CK, Price-spot’s Quality of Life, Jorun og Roy Fagerli

BIM, CK, N UCH Price-spot’s Kal El, Nina Hedvig Eriksen

2BHK, CK, OSLVJV-24 OSLV-24 Price-spot’s Quarterback, Heidi Price/Silje Paulsen

3BHK, Cert, Price-spot’s Pearl Harbor, Camilla Bjerkelund

CK: Price-spot’s Limited Edition, Price-spot’s Hamlet, Price-spot’s Ice Princess



BISjr, Price-spot’s Quality of Life, Jorun og Roy Fagerli

BIMjr, OSLVJV-24 OSLV-24 Price-spot’s Quarterback, Heidi Price/Silje Paulsen



BIS, HP, Toot’s Zannalee, Aase Jakobsen

2BTV, HP, Price-spot’s Rules Don’t Apply, Heidi Price/Silje Paulsen

3BTV,HP, Price-spot’s Remember My Name, Kjersti Sletten

4BTV, HP. All About Spot’s Ever So Clever, Trine Senderud

BIM, HP, Price-spot’s Robin Hood, Heidi Price/Camilla Bjerkelund


BIS Price-spot’s Quality of Life, BIM N UCH Price-spot’s Kal El
BISjr Price-spot’s Quality of Life BIMjr Price-spot’s Quarterback

Norsk Dalmatiner klubb, Vestby, 15.09.24. Dommer: Anne L. Buvik

BIS, CK, N UCH Dalming’s Marmelade, Trine Senderud

2BTK, CK, C.I.B N DK SE EE LV UCH JUBCH NJV-20 NV-20-23-24 NORDV-23 RLI RLII RL III Toot’s She’s A Rainbow, Aase Jakobsen

3BTK, CK, Price-spot’s Quality of Life, Jorun og Roy Fagerli

4BTK,CK, C.I.B N SE EST LT UCH Price-spot’s Limited Edition, Silje Paulsen

BIM, CK, N UCH Price-spot’s Hamlet, Vigdis Kverne Martinsen

2BHK, Cert, Price-spot’s Pearl Harbor, Camilla Bjerkelund

3BHK, CK,  CIB-J NJrCH NORDJrCH NVJ-24 NV-24 Busby’s Romantic Blues, Nina Emilie Julsrud 

4BHK CK, N UCH Price-spot’s Kal El, Nina Hedvig Eriksen

CK: Price-spot’s Move Heaven and Earth, Price-spot’s Iceprincess, Price-spot’s Instant Karma

BIS N UCH Dalming’s Marmelade BIM N UCH Price-spot’s Hamlet
BIS oppdrettergruppe søndag med Hamlet, Pearl Harbor, Ice Princess, Quality of Life

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